What if we were to tell you that you no longer need to pay for Eagles in War Thunder? It’s true! Just use your smartphone or tablet to perform a few simple tasks suggested by our app.
It’s really easy. Watch the videos and install free apps from the list provided. Receive Eagles in your account! Want to get even more? Invite your friends, and you’ll get a bonus proportional to what they earn (you will receive 20% of your friends’ earnings, and this is an additional bonus; it is not deducted from their earnings).
It’s a unique offer: you get Eagles to use in the game without ever spending any of your own real money!
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ဒါဟာထူးခြားတဲ့ကမ်းလှမ်းမှုင်: သင်လင်းယုန်အစဉ်အဆက်သင်၏ကိုယ်ပိုင်အမှန်တကယ်ပိုက်ဆံမဆိုသုံးစွဲခြင်းမရှိဘဲဂိမ်းအတွက်သုံးစွဲဖို့ရ!